-- Made of strong stainless steel for great durability and hygiene. -- This model of egg washer is a combination of 2 single-row egg washers with a capacity of 20,000 eggs/hour. -- It can satisfy any egg cleaning and drying requirements well. -- Includes the egg accumulating, candling, orientating, sanitizing, washing, drying functions all in one, it also has the optional automatic egg loader, egg printer and manual collection conveyor (UV included) function. -- Eggs are manually loaded onto accumulator by using the 602 vacuum egg lifter, 30 eggs at a time. -- The eggs are then transported to the 6-row candling section. You can check for cracked, dirty or otherwise unqualified eggs through the LED light by sight, and manually take them out. There is also a candling cover and a mirror for better candling results. -- After the candling booth, the orientatorwill direct 6 lines of eggs into 2 single lines and transport them to the 2 single-row egg washers.
-- The proportional doser sprays sanitizer or detergent (customer provides chemicals) onto eggs automatically for food security purpose. -- The eggs will be cleaned by brushes with warm water (the price doesn't include a water heater, consult our representatives if needed). -- Water on the eggs will be swept off by the brushes, meanwhile the eggs themselves are dried by the drying system. The drying result can reach up to 99% depending on the environment humidity. -- Ideally, connect with the Zenyer 107 egg graderto assemble a Zenyer 303A egg processing linewith a capacity of 20,000 eggs/hour.
Egg washer
Product code
20,000 eggs/hour
21.46 KW
380-415V, 3-phase, 50HZ
Dimension(L* W* H)
10.3*3.9*2 M
Net weight*
1830 kg
Gross weight*
2610 kg
Egg accumulating, candling, orientating, sanitizing, washing, drying and optional vacuum egg lifter, egg printer and manual collection conveyor (UV included)
* Power, net weight and gross weight are calculated according to the floor plan below.
ZENYER 203A egg washer ZENYER 203A floor plan Egg accumulator CandlingOrientatingProportional doser for sanitizingEgg washing with brushes and warm water Remarkable Drying systemUV sterilization (optional) Zenyer 602 vacuum egg lifter (optional) Zenyer 401H egg printer (optional)