Visual Detection system

Name:ZENYER Visual Shell Inspector

Product Code: 410S/430S

Capacity: 10,000-30,000 eggs/hour

Function: Egg Shell Inspection


ZENYER Visual Egg Shell Inspector - Non Contact Detection System  
For many years, the manual candling inspection and acoustic crack detection have been the industry standard for inspecting cracked eggs.
Egg crack detection is an especially vital inspection criterion, since the eggshell forms an important barrier against bacterial growth on the inside of the eggs, any cracks in the shell therefore presents an increased risk of bacterial infection and growth.
In addition, the traditional egg inspection methods, such as manually picking out the cracked eggs or hitting the eggshell with a testing device both have potential hygiene risks.

The Zenyer visual egg shell inspector is contactless, which allows operators to scan the eggs without physically handling them, resulting in even further improvement in food safety and hygiene. 
The system has self-learning capabilities to adapt to new standards and requirements through continuous data accumulation and algorithm updates.
Combined with big data technology, the system can learn from a large amount of historical data to improve detection accuracy and efficiency.
The detector works through image processing. Cameras mounted inside the top of the cabinet scan the eggs while they are rotating on the infeed roller. The White Led light strips placed under the roller allow the cameras to take clearer images which are then processed in the computer. Any eggs with broken shells, dirt spots, leak, off color, ugly eggs such as misshapen, brown speckled or any other defective eggs will be rejected automatically.


-- The 6-row Visual Egg Shell Inpector is compatible with the 6-row of a new Zenyer egg washer or an egg grader with the capacity up to 30,000 eggs/hour.
-- You can have the single-row Visual AI detector to match with the single-row of a new Zenyer egg washer or an egg grader with the capacity from 3000 to 10,000 eggs/hour.
-- Modular design: This modular visual detector can also be attached to the existing ZENYER or any other brands of egg graders, egg washers and farm packers.
-- Real-time detection data: You can check how many defective eggs produced at your farm per day or per shed, and these results will help you improve the management of your farm.

-- You can set your detection system to be a specific sensitivity level per defect type which is such a added value.
-- Remote maintenance: The machine has a remote monitoring and maintenance system, allowing it to quickly respond to and solve potential problems and ensure long-term stable operation of the machine.
Zenyer 430S Visual Egg Shell inspector (6-row)

Price of the Zenyer 410S Visual Shell detector: $66,000.00 
Price of the Zenyer 430S Visual Shell detector: $121,000.00 

Price including GST


ZENYER Visual Shell Inspector Brochure